They don’t live up to the base-building and scale of the battles found in the roots of the series. I hope it was helpful to those who needed it.Dawn of War: Ultimate Apocalypse and some of its companion mods are more than a match for later iterations of this title. Once again, thank you to everyone who supported this guide. I will keep this up for a bit, and may update it with new links as updates are released, but the actual “Guide” portion will no longer exist. Your support was what kept me updating this guide long after I stopped playing myself, but at this point, this guide is obsolete. I want to thank everyone who has contributed, commented, and awarded this guide during its long tenure.

Instead, I will be linking the video guide here, which has all the relevant links required, including to the mod’s Discord page. With these facts being what they are, and the fact that I just don’t play this game any more, I will be ceasing major updates to this guide. Not only that, but the development team has actually put out decent guides of their own (which was not the case when this guide was started), including in video format, which will always be better than the walls of text that I use here. The mod has been condensed into a single file, and the installation process has been simplified to a point where making a detailed guide is just a waste of time. It also required you to run all over Moddb and mediafire to chase down all the links and files you needed to get the mod to work. Back then, installing the mod was a mess, a 7-9 step process that required a lot of hand holding for even reasonably seasoned modders. I started this guide originally before even "The Hunt Begins" series of updates came out for this mod, back I think when it was in the 1.7 series. This guide has been an ongoing project of mine for a number of years now.